Welcome to my very modest art gallery, please click on the underlined texts and images found in this site. Hope you find some
useful information and enjoy my work. This site is dedicated to all friends , family including my nephews that i was not able
to meet yet as well as the students who remeber me and are far away that i miss as well BEM-VINDOS a este cite dedicado aos
amigos e familia bem como aos meus sobrinhos nos U.S. que ainda nao pude conhecer bem como os milhares de jovens que foram
meus alunos e que encontraram o meu nome na net cliquem nos sublinhados e nas imagens, estou bem, lembrarei sempre os vossos
rostos e guardo com saudade e carinho para sempre na memoria os momentos quase sempre agradaveis que passamos juntos.
READ - ABSTRACT By Leonard G. Horowitz, DMD, MA, MPH 10 -11-5...... "Experts" had been predicting the arrival of a super-
plague for decades....It seemed a convenient distraction ? ...... " If avian flu becomes more than a threatened pandemic,
it will have done so by political and economic design. This thesis is supported by current massive media misrepresentations
, profiteering on risky and valueless vaccines, gross neglect of data evidencing earlier similar man- made plaques including
SARS, West Nile Virus, AIDS and more; continuance of genetic studies breeding more mutant flu viruses likely to outbreak,
inside trading scandals involving pandemic savvy White House and drug industry officials, curious immunity of these pharmaceutical
entities over the past century to law enforcement and mainstream media scrutiny, and published official depopulation objectives.
With the revelations and assertions advanced herein, the public is forewarned against this physician assisted mass murder
best termed "iatrogenocide.* This genocidal imposition is expected to serve mainly economic and political depopulation objectives.
* The term "iatrogenocide is derived from the combination of words "iatrogenesis, meaning physician induced illness, and "genocide,
defined as the mass killing and/or enslaving of people for economics, politics, and/or ideology. " ..... http://cyberjournal.org/cj/show_archives/?......
id='818'&batch='30'&lists='newslog' Rumsfeld's growing stake in Tamiflu .....http://money.cnn.com/2005/10/31/news/newsmakers/
fortune_rumsfeld/?cnn=yes..... " Rumsfeld isn't the only political heavyweight benefiting from demand for Tamiflu, which is
manufactured and marketed by Swiss pharma giant Roche. ( Gilead receives a royalty from Roche equaling about 10% of sales.)
Former Secretary of State George Shultz, who is on Gilead's board, has sold more than $7 million worth of Gilead since the
beginning of 2005."
The sigmoid curve is the product life cycle, it is the biological life cycle, describes the rise and fall of empires, dynasties,
companies, and individuals as well as the course of love and relationships...Catch the next wave ! means to change, to vote
for new people with new understanding and the creativity to risk and take chances...without losing the ethics. In Portugal
in Canada, France , everywhere we live in confusion we are at point A in the curve and when it comes to the political future
and where mankind wants to go, it's pretty clear that we have no choice than to change , all predictions say economy and health
and quality of life in general is going down, time to change curve, lose some personal wealth maybe , then go right back up
again... A man can fail as a leader because he can't sense the need for a second curve...( we must avoid leaders that continue
with the same boring speech ) also a man can fail because he was not able to to get others to share his understanding of the
"new politics of truth - capitalism depends on the fundamental principle of inequality, lies and unjustice ... many phylosophers,
economists and young leaders are warning us we need a new perspective on life, on it's purpose and it's responsibilities..do
we need for a leader to guide us into the future ?...do we want hamburger work for hamburger pay ? ...One answer is to redefine
survival. The curve we are on is mostly unethical management, planning and control, it is breaking down everywhere more and
more into the future, we are heading for disorder...we grow by investing in other countries that have potential ( youth ,
intelligence, education etc ..) and above all show respect and learn from their diferent points of views... ECONOMICS FOR
PEACE OR FOR WORLD WAR ? "We must boycott and disinvest in Israel until the rogue government submits to the values of human
rights, international law and UN Resolutions 181 and 194," he said. http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite? pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull&cid=1137605942932

 Check me out!
To the place,of my birth and my Templar roots the Order of Christ was their new name and this city was given to the Templars
by the first king of Portugal, D. Afonso Henriques - on the subject of Templars see http:// portugalsecreto2.no.sapo.pt/ostemplarios.htm...
"The Portuguese people was far from homogeneous; it would be long before its component races "Moors and Mozarabs of the south,
Galicians of the north, Jews and foreign crusaders" could be fused into one nationality. There were also urgent economic problems
to be solved. The Moors had made Alentejo the granary of Portugal, but war had undone their work, and large tracts of land
were now barren and depopulated. Commerce and education had similarly been subordinated to the struggle for national existence.
The machinery of administration was out of date and complicated by the authority of feudal and ecclesiastical courts. The
supremacy of the Crown, though recognized, was still unstable. It was Diniz who initiated the needful reforms. He earned his
title of the rei lavrador or "farmer king" by introducing improved methods of cultivation and founding agricultural schools.
He encouraged maritime trade by negotiating a commercial treaty with England (1294) and forming a royal navy (1317) under
the command of a Genoese admiral named Emmanuele di Pezagna (Manoel Pessanha). In 1290 he founded the University of Coimbra.
He was a poet and a patron of literature and music. His chief administrative reforms were designed to secure centralized government
and to limit the jurisdiction of feudal courts. He encouraged and nationalized the military orders. In 1290 the Portuguese
knights of So Thiago (Santiago) were definitely separated from the parent Spanish order. The orders of Crato and of St Benedict
of Aviz had already been established, the traditional dates of their incorporation being 1113 and 1162. After the condemnation
of the Templars by Pope Clement V (1312) an ecclesiastical commission investigated the charges against the Portuguese branch
of the order, and found in its favor. As the Templars were rich, influential and loyal, Diniz took advantage of the death
of Clement V. to maintain the order under a new name; the Order of Christ, as it was henceforth called, received the benediction
of the pope in 1319 and subsequently played an important part in the colonial expansion of Portugal." ( http:// www.novomilenio.inf.br/idioma/200009h.htm)
Born and educated by the natives of this ctiy I too see the Portuguese Templars as military men of peace and secular conscience
rather than of Christian belief, ( and many were killed by torture by the church (http://encyclopedia.jrank.org/TOO_TUM/ TORTURE_from_Lat_torquere_to_t.html
) more the brothers than the followers. "Five centuries ago, the Order of the Temple Knights (using the Maltese cross, , as
their symbol) was forbidden in European countries by the Pope. However, the order remained powerful in Portugal since its
Master Knight was Prince Henry of Portugal. The order was renamed Order of Christ, and this sign (withouth the circle) was
chosen as their symbol. The Portuguese discoveries were made possible much because of the wealth of the order, and the symbol
was used on the sails of the Portuguese ships. Since then the symbol has been used widely in Portugal, e.g. on fighter planes,
navy ships and soccer team clothes and flags." http://www.symbols.com/encyclopedia/30/3026.html The distraction and creation
of Fatima is not by chance of a short distance from this city. but as a defender of truth...also it seems to me that if "the
Holy Land" is so important to many cultures, peoples and religions it should be inscribed as "World Heritage " it would contribute
for PEACE in the region ? I am beginning to question the relation between the Templars ( my antecessors ?) and their relation
with the Lusitanos ? ( one question is based on the integration of the Templars and the local language spoken at the time
) http:// www.personal.us.es/alporu/patrimonio/libros/ siglo16_libros.htm
I have been trying to understand WHY THE HOUSING COOPS in Quebec are not a favorite of young people , here is some information
you should consider before moving into a coop...Article 1955 of the Civil Code of Quebec indicates who may not contest a rent
increase if Section F of the lease is filled out - members of a co-operative or tenants living in a building that is less
than five years old. Article 1992 indicates that a tenant in low rental housing has two months to contest an increase at the
Regie du logement. If these situations do not apply then a tenant may refuse an increase and renew the lease (article 1945).
The articles read as follows:"1955. Neither the lessor nor the lessee of a dwelling leased by a housing cooperative to one
of its members may apply to the court for the fixing of the rent or the modification of any other condition of the lease.Nor
may the lessor or the lessee of a dwelling situated in a recently erected immovable or an immovable used for renting as a
result of a recent change of destination pursue the remedy referred to in the first paragraph within five years after the
date on which the immovable is ready for its intended use. Such restrictions shall be mentioned, however, in the lease of
such a dwelling; if they are not mentioned, they may not be set up by the lessor against the lessee." "1992. A lessor who
notifies the lessee of his intention to increase the rent is not bound to indicate the new rent or the amount of the increase,
and the lessee is not bound to respond to such a notice. However, if the rent is not fixed in accordance with the by-laws
of the Societe d'habitation du Quebec, the lessee may apply to the court, within two months after the fixing of the rent,
for its review." So when you rent a house that is new or has been recently renovated be careful with section F , and only
need to sign a lease once when you rent not ever again until you leave, look out for changes. There is another way to live
and think: its called agrarianism.."Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world;
indeed, its the only thing that ever does."Margaret Mead... Time magazine reports that nearly half of the worlds 6 billion
residents are poor. Over one billion of them subsist on less than $1 a day....Several of the wealthiest billionaires capitalized
on public assets and made their fortunes by buying them. This was the case with Mexican Carlos Slim Helu, the worlds fourth
richest man, who used inherited wealth to buy a substantial share of Mexicos privatized national telephone company. U.S. billionaires
Bill Gates, Paul Allen and Steve Ballmer of Microsoft, and Larry Ellison of Oracle would not be in Forbes top 20 billionaires
had the U.S. government not invested tens of billions of public dollars developing computers and the Internet...Some billionaires
fortunes rest upon paying their employees poverty- level wages. Such is the case for the Walton family (numbers 10 through
14 on the Forbes list.) Wal-Mart is the largest private employer in the world. Many of its U.S. workers are so poorly paid
that they must rely on food stamps and other forms of public assistance to get by...The role of government policy in determining
who has wealth and who does not continues to expand.... During the recent debate on the bankruptcy bill, federal law makers
( in the U.S. ? ) refused to close the asset protection trust loophole increasingly used by millionaires and billionaires
to shelter mansions and other assets from creditors in bankruptcy. Those same law makers weakened protections that protect
the family homes of ordinary people from creditors during bankruptcy.The chasm between rich and poor is not a divide between
who has intelligence and drive and who does not. Rather it results from a society whose rules allow some to amass wealth greater
than could be enjoyed in a thousand lifetimes, while they deny others enough money to scrape through just one lifetime." extracts
from text by ÃÂ Scott Klinger, co-director of the Responsible Wealth project
For the past seven years my paintings have been hauntingly presenting the sea, the floods and it's victims. But now it's the
orphan children of the world in need of protection from human sex and slavery trafic organizations that worry me the most.According
to Diane Russell (The Secret Trauma) and David Finkelhor (Child Sexual Abuse) 95% of the perpetrators of girls are men and
80% of the perpetrators of boys are men." (Bass and Davis, 1988, p. 96) Approximately one out of four American women have
been sexually abused as children, most by someone they knew. "Newer research...indicates that as many as 38% of women are
molested in childhood. In Canada one for every three women. There are many acknowledged problems with even this research,
but the greatest is this: what is not remembered cannot be reported. It is my (Blume's) experience that fewer than half of
the women who experience this trauma later remember or identify it as abuse. Therefore, it is not unlikely that more than
half of all women are survivors of childhood sexual trauma." (Blume, 1990, xiv) Although i don't agree with the death penalty,
i do not understand why castraction of all men guilty of crime related to pedophilism is not made law . Pedophile: According
to the American Psychiatric Association: "A person who over at least a 6 month period has recurrent, intense sexually arousing
fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors involving sexual activity with a prepubescent child or children (age 13 years or younger).
The fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or
other important areas of functioning. The person is at least age 16 years and at least 5 years older than the child or children.
Not to include an individual in late adolescence involved in an ongoing sexual relationship with a 12 or 13 year old (straight
or gay). Individuals with pedophilia generally report an attraction to children of a particular age range. Some individuals
prefer males, others prefer females, and some are aroused by both males and females. Pedophila involving female victims is
reported more than pedophilia involving male victims." 1
Pedophila: A condition in which an adult, usually male, is sexually attracted primarily to pre-pubertal children -- those
aged 13 years or under. It is derived from two Greek words: ''pedo" means "child;" and "philia" means "love for." Most are
attracted to children in a specific age group (e.g. 5 or 6). Fewer are attracted to young people of any age up to puberty.
Phebophilia: Alternate term for Ephebophilia. Both words are derived from the Greek words ''phepius" means "youth;" and "philia"
means "love for."When i sell some paintings part of this money will be donated to help stop abduction, abuse and profit making
from these children. While the sea may have killed tens of thousands, western policies kill millions every year. Yet even
amid disaster, a new politics of community and morality is emerging.
Loose Change merely scratches the surface of information that points to a massive government cover-up regarding 9/11. We highly
encourage you to take it upon yourself to research the events of 9/11 for yourself and come to your own conclusions.
Linda McQuaig might well be described as Canada’s Michael Moore.”
—National Post...Journalist and bestselling author Linda McQuaig has developed a reputation for challenging the establishment.
Winner of a National Newspaper Award for uncovering the Patti Starr affair in 1989, she has written for The Globe and Mail,
the Toronto Star, Maclean’s magazine, and the National Post. She now writes a weekly political column on the op-ed page
of the Toronto Star.
NOMINEE 2005 - National Business Book Award
Read her book --It's the Crude, Dude --War, Big Oil and the Fight for the Planet --Written by Linda McQuaig--September 2005
In 1991, McQuaig was awarded an Atkinson Fellowship for Journalism in Public Policy to study the social-welfare systems in
Europe and North America. That research became the foundation for her 1993 bestseller, The Wealthy Banker's Wife: The Assault
on Equality in Canada.
McQuaig's book is All You Can Eat: Greed, Lust and the New Capitalism.
Linda has also written Behind Closed Doors: How the Rich Won Control of Canada's Tax System, and The Quick and the Dead: Brian
Mulroney, Big Business and the Seduction of Canada. In her 1995 bestseller, Shooting the Hippo: Death by Deficit and Other
Canadian Myths, she traced the real story behind the deficit, and showed how social spending has been falsely blamed. The
Cult of Impotence refutes the popular notion that governments are powerless in the global economy to deliver full employment
and well-funded social programs.
Jul. 31, 2005. 01:00 AM -Linda McQuaig argues terror attacks are response to military actions...Canadian law allows authorities
to arrest and indefinitely detain an immigrant or refugee claimant whom they allege poses a risk to Canada. Neither the individual
nor his lawyer is permitted to know the evidence against him, and his case is heard largely in secret, without him or his
lawyer even present to challenge it.
Essentially, then, the judge hears only one side of the case, and the standard of proof required is the lowest permissible
under Canadian law.
If, on the basis of hearing one side of the case, the judge rules against the detainee, he can be deported, even if it means
facing torture back home — a violation of Canada's commitments under the U.N. Convention Against Torture.
It's easy to see possibilities for abuse, particularly with Canadian authorities under pressure from Washington to show our
support for its "war on terror."
Canada is currently holding five Muslim men under this law."
The search for peace and an ideal equilibrium is more complicated today because the economic seems to rule more and more.
Protecting our freedom our social services and investing in fair trade and in a green clean environment should be our collective
goal if we are to survive and learning to survive with climate change is another big chalange . Don't trust only what you
hear in the news; reporters in the media ( television) i know most people have stopped reading newspapers and watching the
news on T.V. because it's all so insulting to our intelligence to watch the news
Ms. McQuaig explained she had been called into the office of the editor of the Globe and Mail when she had written a series
of articles on the tax system for the pa per. She wondered what mis- take she had made, but rather the editor accused her
of using inflammatory language. She had trouble seeing where the inflammatory language was, so he pointed out she had used
the word "rich".
"What am I suppose to call them - financially unchallenged?" joked Ms. McQuaig.Linda McQuaig used Klein's example of comparing
the "government house" to a family. "It's like the family decided to go without medication, not to send the children to university,
and maybe someone even has to go without food - but they still can afford to go on trips and buy Nintendo."
She questioned whether we save money when we privatize things like health care. If we expect the private U.S. system to cost
less, it's not true. "They pay 40% more per capita for health care, and have worse results than we do here. They pay private,
we pay publicly."
The issue is really whether there is a willingness to provide programs which benefit all people in society. The elite can
pay privately for services that benefit only themselves.
Ms. McQuaig spoke of a World Bank study which identified Canada as the second wealthiest country in the world. She wondered
what made a country rich, so examined the study. While Canada has good natural resources and water, those weren't common factors
amongst all the richest countries. She found the common factor of all the rich countries was their investment in services
to people, education, health, and social programs - the things we're currently cutting back on.
"The real issue," concluded Ms. McQuaig, "is what kind of society we want to live in. Do we want the access of services to
be determined by how rich you are or do we want services available to everyone?"... examples of corruption like the one envolving
the Royal Bank of Canada of Toronto only make matters worst....." Máfia russa.....
O escândalo da máfia russa que comprou o Corinthians, e foi revelado primeiro aqui, explodiu na Argentina. O consagrado jornalista
Daniel Santoro, que denunciou a compra de armas, por Menem, para a Croácia e o Equador, confirmou, domingo, no “Clarin”,
a história toda da “lavagem de dinheiro”.
1 - A DGI, serviço secreto, e a UFI (Unidade de Informação Financeira), do governo da Argentina, apuraram que o time argentino
Boca Juniors “vendeu” o jogador Tevez ao Corinthians por US$ 16 milhões de dolares e não por US$ 19,5 milhões,
como o novo dono do time paulista, o iraniano Kia Joorabchian, e a direção do Corinthians disseram.
2 - A operação foi toda mafiosa, clandestina: o pagamento foi feito ao Boca Juniors por uma conta que o Royal Bank of Canada,
de Toronto, tem no banco JB Morgan Chase, de Nova York, em nome de uma firma de Joorabchian com sede no paraíso fiscal das
Ilhas Virgens e “de uma entidade financeira ou empresa com nome estrangeiro”.http://www.induscom.com.br/edicoes/28032005/nery.html