Title - Don't shoot! Dont shoot!!
Stop the bombs your not
Even trying lying crying,
People's Body's flying ito
Door's, blood splashing all over the floors.
Stop judging how other
People look like and
Look at our selves before getting into a fight.
We should all learn
To get along,
And stop the Chemical gasses filing lungs of little ones.
Bush getting rich but poor in fame,
Chaos in the streets, chaos in the TV,
Chaos in the r rated movies.
People want money, flashy cars too,
But where does this lead us, not in a
Pretty sight.
Wanting money is one thing but
Fight for it is another.
We got to be more like the
Mammals that we hunt and fear.
We gotta learn to trust our
Selves and not to kill our selves
Dont Shoot
Dont shoot
Put the guns down
Put the guns down (3)
People like quitting school
Taking drugs and acting
All cool, talk your
Way out of your problems
And dont keep it bottled inside,
Because it might blow in some ones face, and get you in trouble.
People just want to point fingers,
We gotta just keep the fingers into
The pocket.
We gotta burn the weapons
Burn vengeance
Even if it hurts to see
We gotta be more like
Nature wanted us to be. Instead
Were just playing God, and
We are the worst ones to
Be playing God. Now earth is
Falling apart, because of us with
The cars, planes and
The nuclear plants, when will this end?
People are dying, children
Are crying, we should
All drop our guns and
Give the love to someone
Beside you.
Dont Shoot
Dont Shoot
Put the guns down
Put the guns down (4)
lyrics for song done by my son with friends (Montreal 2003)
but what future will they have ? ...WE CAN /MUST advocate for the disarmament of the US and other nuclear weapons states
from within the treaty system, not from without.........There must be one rule for all: no nukes." ...............................
WHY EAT ANIMALS ? Choose vegetarian proteins like tofu, nuts, or beans. You will be healthier in every way as these proteins
do not tax the immune system as much as flesh. Immune systems love a whole, live, raw food diet; so eat raw, dark-green
salads with nuts, sprouts and seeds. Cleanse with enemas or colonics. Take periodic raw juice fasts. Besides a vegan diet
of vegetables grown on organic soil, take "good fat" supplements like flaxseed. The oils and proteins found in nuts and
seeds are good. Be wary of dairy products; they could be infected with prions. Make almond milk, brown rice milk, tofu milk.
Take multi-vitamin supplements. Blue green algae, spirulina, chlorella are complete foods with B-12. Animal source of B-12
is dangerous now. Get rid of other eco-hazards that stress the immune system.. Go 100% natural. Become a vegetarian. ............
believe the eminent scientists quoted or referred to in this report, such as Drs. Pattison, Lacey, Prusiner, Dorrell, Alsleben,
Marsh, Narang, Deandrea, Merz, Doeller, Gajdusek, and Ricketts?
This is your life. Do what you want with it.
digital art- title "hulkland" |

digital art- CATBOY |

FILM RETROSPECTIVE EXAMINES NAZI PROPAGANDA http://www.hindu.com/thehindu/holnus/00920050418032.htm |